Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last Day of Summer (5.0 miles)

Well, the summer has come to an end. It was a great one- perhaps one of the best in the past few years, but nothing beats the early childhood summers.  I had a fantastic time at work, with my girlfriend, with friends, with family, and alone.  Summer is about takign a break and enjoying the beautiful weather.  I did that just about everyday and i do not regret anything i did this summer, it was amazing.  I just wish it could have been longer.

To end off a great summer, i spent the day with my girlfriend.  We went to the local mall and shopped around for a while.  It was just fun to get out and do something different.  We got asked to take a survey and we each made $2 which was cool! Afterward, we went to my house for awhile and then we wanted to go to her house.  Knowing we would be returning to my house and the weather was gorgeous, we rode bieks to her house- played with the kitty there- and rode back. A 3.2 mile round trip.  We ate dinner at my house and then went for a dessert smoothie at Jamba Juice, riding our bikes there.  We got a large peach smoothie and rode the round trip of 1.8 miles.  A healthy combination haha.  I then drove to get some last minute school supplies, including a Cars 2 binder to accompany my Toy Story 3 binder.  I ran 5 miles tonight and just finished my AP summer work! Goodnight, and i will post periodically- hopefully weekly.

Total summer mileage: 160 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $31.68

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Last Night of Summer

Today was the last full day of summer, since tomorrow i have to retire early for school monday... I still have a ton of AP work left to do too! Hopefully i finish soon! I ran 11 miles today, and pretty much just chilled around my house with my girlfriend.  I am very tired and have some homework to get to.  Looks like my summer mileage will stay at 155 miles since i probably wont be riding tomorrow.  I saved a little over thirty dollars, which is very nice!  I also saved some before summer, and i might still ride a little in the fall.  I am glad i did this program.  I will have more on my summer analysis tomorrow! Goodnight.

Total summer mileage: 155 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $30.69

Friday, August 12, 2011

College Visits!

Well, i jut returned this evening from a few days visiting colleges. We left our house mid afternoon Tuesday and trekked to Ann Arbor, Michigan to visit the University of Michigan on Wednesday.  I loved the engineering program, but was not too crazy about the campus.  After the visit, we drove another 5 hours to West Lafayette, Indiana to visit Purdue University on Thursday.  I loved the campus, and like the engineering program-but not as much as Michigan's.  After this, we began the short drive to Urbana, Illinois to visit the University of Illinois.  However, on the way, we took a slight detour and made a quick stop in Terre Houte, Indiana at the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology.  This is a much smaller, engineering specific school.  We talked to a few people, walked around the campus for awhile, and i really liked the program and campus, but i was not too crazy about the environment.  It was more like a boarding school...not much of a college atmosphere.  We then continued on to Illinois.  Friday, this morning, we visited there.  I liked the campus and i liked the engineering program.  It was all really good- but i didn;t really fall in love with anything like i did at Michigan or Purdue.  However, all schools are great and i will have a tough decision to make if i get accepted to all of them.  I will start applying soon and begin making decisions.  However, i only have 2 days of summer left and those are reserved for fun and... AP work.  Hopefully i get it all done! Goodnight.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


As you can see, i forgot to blog last night! I was so tired and i am sooo sick of blogging every night.  Yesterday, i did not bike at all.  My girlfriend and i hung out for most of the day, soing a little shopping, and just laying around at eachother's houses.  I also got a haircut and new sunglasses, so i am looking fantastic.  Haha just kidding.  The next 4 days i will spend on a road trip visitign colleges.  University of Michigan, Purdue, and University of Illinois.  I may be able to blog those days, but i probably won't want to... We will see. We leave today, so don't expect a post tonight! Bye.

Total summer mileage: 155 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $30.69

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Still Tired

Today i slept in after going to bed early too!  I needed to catch up on a lot of sleep, but i guess it still wasn;t enough because i still felt tired.  i lazied around for a while and then did some of my AP summer work as school is starting very soon.  I need to start studying for the ACT on September 10th too! Anyway, after the school work i hung out with my girfriend for awhile, but we stopped hanging out around 9 so that i could run ( i didn;t run earlier because of extreme heat and lziness).  We went for a ltitle bike ride, but for no purpose so it does not go on my statistics. 

Total summer mileage: 155 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $30.69

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last Day of Work (3.3 miles)

Well, as the title implies- today was my last day of work for this summer. I biked the usual 3.3 miles and that was it. As a last day prank, I jumped in our display pool. I built a cardboard boat during the last few days of work and used it in the pool... With 10 minutes left on the day, i changed into my swimming attire, and rolled my boat on a cart to the pool, looking like a regular box.  I lowered the box into the pool and jumped in it!  It did not float very well, but that was okay- i didn't expect it too.  The water was freezing at about 60 degrees since it is inside with no heater.  I swam around for awhile and all the customers were looking at me in confusion.  Soon, my coworkers gathered around laughing, but realizing again that it was my last day.  These people are some of my best friends and i am going to miss them a lot, but i will visit periodically.  After that, i chilled with my girlfriend for a little but and then i got really tired, so i came home early.  I am very tired from everything lately, so i need to go to bed.  Goodnight!

Total summer mileage: 155 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $30.69

Friday, August 5, 2011

Work Again (3.3 miles)

Well i worked my last 10 hour shift of the year today.  I worked with a buddy that i made on the job, we didn't know each other before.  It was a pretty fun day at work, although there was a lot of work to be done.  I rode my bike to and from, obtaining 3.3 miles.  Is it weird that i am getting sick of blogging?  It is so tiring after long days so i am keeping it short.  I also hung out with my girlfriend tonight after she had a rough day.  Goodnight.

Total summer mileage: 151.7 miles
Money saved on gas (20 mpg at $3.96 per gallon): $30.04